Large Rant #3 – Are You Waiting For The Cure: Don’t read if you like it sugar-coated

Prefix: I’m hitting “send” on this post without overthinking it—it’s straight from the heart, more like a diary entry than anything else. It’s raw and disjointed. It was a single post at one point, but I have now broken it into many so *everyone* doesn’t kill me. It’s not every day you have a patient using harm-reduction strategies to try …

Update and Latest PET Results

Where do I even start? There’s so much news to share, but I’ll do my best to keep it concise. I’m back, and let me tell you, that intimate time with the kids, far away from everyday life, was precisely what I needed. We all had such a good time. I even ditched the diet while away, so it really …

Protocol 4 – The whole thing

Embarking on Protocol #4: A Journey Through Uncharted Waters Admittedly, I’ve been dragging my feet when penning this update. Finding the right moment seemed elusive between bouts of feeling swamped or just plain exhausted and the need for a breather from the relentless daily grind of health management. This protocol has been a head-scratcher as well. So it’s been hard …

A year in review

It’s been a while since my last update, but I have some news to share. Tomorrow finally marks the beginning of protocol 4, and I’m hopeful that this will be the final one! For those who may have forgotten or are new to my journey, here’s a summary: On January 13th, 2023 I was told that I had stage 4 …

Protocol 4 – Delayed Start

It’s been a while since my last post, as I’ve been feeling quite drained of energy and ideas. However, I’m pleased to report that my health remains in excellent shape, and that’s a silver lining. Initially, I had planned to maintain the momentum of my success (breast tumour gone, remission in bones, and fabulous bloodwork) and commence another protocol on …