Protocol 3 – Prep and Thoughts on CT Results

I needed an extra day to get things ready for the upcoming protocol #3. During my break, I somehow managed to lose my mobile phone account – long story short, no texts or calls for me, and I’m surviving on Wi-Fi for the internet. It’s thrown a wrench into things, and my organization game is lacking badly. So, yesterday was meant to kick off Protocol #3. My glucose is showing a smidge of improvement, but I’m back to fasting because, hey, it’s what I know works. In a few months, because I am back to fasting, I’ll be the same size as in my teens, just a way more saggy.

Now, for an update since my last post. I’ve been a bit mad lately, or maybe ‘mad’ is too strong a word. Let’s go with frustrated at the system’s inability to treat me as a unique case. It’s crystal clear, based on my tumour and my therapies (standard of care and metabolic), that a PET scan would be a game-changer. Success matters to me, but the medical establishment? They’re all about noting the lack of success. If I’m gradually improving, they’re like, “cool,” but the ‘why’ or ‘how’ of remission? It’s not their concern. They check back in a month to see if there’s any wild growth or metastasis; if there is, then they will give me some other drugs (that won’t cure me). The results aren’t intended to help ME understand how to live with or treat cancer; it’s just THEM managing when to shift me to a new line of palliative care. It’s not about me; it’s about them. I’m afraid I have to disagree with it, but I do understand.

The last doctor was on my wavelength about a PET being valuable in my case. However, when I shot an email to my nurse, it turns out my oncologist had a chat with another oncologist, and they decided a PET is unnecessary and not the Standard of Care for Breast Cancer. For Breast Cancer, CTs are the go-to because they are accessible, cheap and show the big stuff – massive growth and metastasis (who cares about the rest, right?). And let’s be fair; if someone waltzed in asking for a PET scan because they wanted to check if the Alkaline water they were sipping was doing the trick, I’d flip about taxpayer costs and PET scan availability. I would rage, but I don’t think what I am doing is comparable to snake oil. But obviously, I’m biased. So, I asked for a requisition for self-pay PET. It’s around $1000, and I’ll have to trek to Burnaby. I’m going for it and planning to hit up Adrian Dix for reimbursement when I’m NED (No Evidence of Disease). Live, for now, the fight later. Anyone who knows me knows I love to fight.

Anyhow, I am currently fasting; last night was my last meal. I’m loading up on psyllium husk-like normal tonight before DON; tomorrow morning, I’ll take DON right before HBOT. Tomorrow afternoon, I will eat a bit throughout the evening and before bed, and then I’ll slide back into a fast for a couple more days. Essentially, what I am doing in terms of the schedule is shifting the DON day meant for yesterday to tomorrow and then staying on track for the 7th. I’m rolling with 1.1mg/kg. Cheers to the adventure!

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