Hello, everyone! Today marks a significant progression for me: I find myself reporting on an event mere hours after it happened! Definitely deserving of a gold star!
So presented with the option of increasing my dosage by either 0.1 or 0.2, I boldly opted for the more significant leap. The pivotal number for this morning? 1.3mg/kg, amounting to 87.1mg total. For those crunching numbers, that came out to $20.21 per milligram – a real eye-opener!
Staying true to my routine, I took psyllium husk last night. Partnered with my faithful peanut butter, I vowed never to revert to consuming the husk in its raw form – a lesson well learned. On my drive to the HBOT clinic this morning, it dawned on me that I had left my licorice root behind. Clearly, consistency remains an elusive virtue for me.
Before commencing the hyperbaric session, I took a quick glance at my blood glucose and ketones. Predictably, the values mirrored my regular readings. But a twist awaited me: the HBOT session was notably shorter, ending in just 90 minutes. I had grown accustomed to their more lenient timings, often stretching to two and a half hours, but it seemed there was another appointment lined up right after mine today.
Though slightly taken aback, the day’s real surprise hit about 30 minutes post-HBOT. My mouth began to overflow, accompanied by surges of nausea and gaging up of foam. Yes white foam! The thought of enduring such an ordeal while confined in the hyperbaric chamber was unsettling, to say the least. Fortuitously, an untimely exit and a wrong turn led me on a scenic coastal route, providing a brief solace from the tumultuous sensations and many easier spots to pull over rather than had I hit the highway. The whole episode felt eerily like a culinary experiment gone horribly wrong. Silver lining: I’m likely hitting my poison quota, right? The foamy episode subsides after a few moments, and just as I near home, round two kicks in! Another round of nausea and a foamy mouth ensue. It feels as though I’m unintentionally auditioning for a film role – one where the protagonist succumbs to poisoning. But this isn’t a screenplay, and I’ve done this in the quest for science. I need to investigate: does this reaction mean I’m hitting the desired glutamine deprivation? Maybe a 0.1 increase is in the cards for next time.