Introduction to my Metabolic Protocol

I’m on a mission: either cure cancer or advance scientific understanding in the process. Join my journey on this blog, and please consider donating to support my efforts.

To simplify a complex mechanism: cancer struggles to utilize fat for fuel. By entering a therapeutic state of ketosis, we can deprive it of glucose, its primary energy source, leaving just glutamine. The challenge arises when we attempt to block glutamine; it’s essential for our survival. Currently, targeting only the cancer cells without harming healthy ones is a hurdle yet to be surmounted. While numerous organizations are pioneering solutions, presently, our best option is a drug named 6-diazo-5-oxo-norleucine (DON), which indiscriminately blocks glutamine in all cells. My task is finding a balance: attacking the cancer without jeopardizing my health. This isn’t dissimilar to chemotherapy, where the objective is to eliminate cancer cells before causing irreversible damage to the patient. Existing research suggests that when DON is coupled with a therapeutic state of ketosis and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT), it’s a potent cancer combatant—at least in animal studies. I’m keen to discover its efficacy in humans.

My strategy involves three key components:

  1. Starving the cancer by eliminating glucose.
  2. Administering a drug called 6-diazo-5-oxo-norleucine (DON).
  3. Undergoing as many Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) sessions as possible.

I aim to showcase tangible results by March 2024, though I rely on your generous donations to fund this venture.

Currently, I maintain a therapeutic state of ketosis, regularly monitoring my diet, blood glucose and ketone levels—I’ve been in this state since August. As for DON, I’ve secured a supply (more on its acquisition later). Additionally, I have access to an HBOT chamber capable of reaching 3.0 ATA pressures. My journey officially began on September 24th, 2023. Join me on this path, and if possible, consider donating. The financial pressures are immense, especially considering the steep cost of DON.

Here’s my tentative plan, which, given the nature of the circumstances, is subject to evolution.


  • Protect my gastric mucosa with psyllium husk 12 hours before DON; take licorice root extract 20 mins before. Gut protection is to limit side effects so that I can increase the dose…not to simply add comfort.
  • Increase dose incrementally based on personal gastrointestinal tolerance.
  • 21-day DON cycles with a 14-day breaks, so I don’t crush my immune system. Maybe I can go shorter, but I will manage that with data from lab tests and, generally, how I feel.

Protocol Schedule:

Day 1: DON (starting) dose 0.5mg/kg of body weight with HBOT

Day 2: Rest

Day 3: HBOT

Day 4: Rest

Day 5: DON dose 0.7mg/kg of body weight with HBOT

Day 6: Rest

Day 7: HBOT

Day 8: Rest

Day 9: DON dose 1.0mg/kg of body weight with HBOT

Repeat until day 21, then take 14 days off. Increase DON dose as tolerated.


  1. Good morning. It’s amazing to see how many people are “pushing the boundaries “. I was diagnosed March 2023. I followed a ketogenic diet according to Guy Tenenbaum‘s book and have above average results. I went from over 100 metastasis on my bones to less than 10. Currently, I am taking Pluvecto which is LU – 177. I’m involved in a case study at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. Having said that my approach is limited as to what I can and cannot do. Up until September 2024 hours only on standard of care which is Lupron injections every three months and Abiraterone daily 1000 mg. I would like to get involved with more options, which would include DON and HBOT, But I have already depleted most of my savings to get to this point. I explain to my wife that we’ve been turning over rocks at the side of the road while other people have been on the express lane on the highway. We will get there but not as quickly as others. I spoke with Jason a few months ago and he gave me a huge emotional boost. Just listening to his story and his approach has given me a new desire to fight even harder. We do not have to die when they tell us we are.

    Thanks again, David.

    1. David, thank you so much for your comment. I have a friend in Tennessee who is also doing LU-177 (he goes to Germany for it because it’s cheaper). He combines it with DON, HBOT, and the low-glucose keto diet. He has had amazing results. Initially diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer, he was almost NED at the beginning of this year thanks to the combination of LU-177 and DON. At that time, he ran out of DON and saw some regrowth. He has since started it again and is seeing progress. He believes wholeheartedly in the combination. He has done LU-177 without DON and finds that it’s only when he adds DON that he sees real progress. Anyway, I’d be more than happy to connect you to him if you think that would be a helpful contact. Feel free to email me anytime at [email protected].
      I have hear the name Guy Tenenbaum but couldnt remember why so I just put his name into ChatGPT and WTF I didnt know he did this protocol?! Why do I keep thinking no one has done this before!!! I’m diging into his story today. I would love to chat more so I hope you email me…are you in my private FB group for people doing this protocol?

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